
1. In every industry competition increases performance and reducing competition decreases performance. The idea that reducing competition in HK would somehow improve the quality of research is not supported by history or the available evidence.

2. We have too many universities in HK. The merger between CityU, PolyU && Baptist U is more feasible.

3. I feel that many deans and department heads are very selfish. They will strongly oppose the mergence because they are afraid of losing their powers.

4. If merger can upgrade the two universities into First class university, why not merge all universities in SAR?

5. 合併確有優勢,但必須確保合併後至少十年內資源與人手不會削減,才支持合併。如有削減,便全力反對。

6. I don't see why one larger university is necessarily better than two smaller ones in any way.

7. It is sad to see such ideas being thrown up with little or not thoughts or preliminary rationale behind possible benefits of such a possibility (other than 1+1=3, which is too naive; does it mean the 3,000 US universities have been very stupid in not merging themselves into 1,500 world class universities?), while the obvious costs of any merger
of two organizations have not been mentioned by the proposed or the supporters...

8. The HKUST should become the fifth college of CUHK: Science and Technology College.

9. 過於著眼研究資源爭奪及大學名氣,忽視學生質素(包括知識與心智)的培養,實本末倒置,亦無助提升本港人力 資產 (Human Capital) 及競爭力。

10. Anyone who is not concerned only his / her own interest will support such a merger. It certainly leads to an effective use of the tax-payer's money and a possibility to set up the first class university in Hong Kong.

11. The real reason for merging has to be for the purpose of saving money. Without merging, or some way to cut cost, UST (presumably CU as well) is on its way to bankruptcy. Young faculty cannot get promoted; resources get cut futher back every year; it's not a question of whether we should do it or not; it's a matter of how to survive - hold on to what we have and perhaps even dream to have some more. Merging may not be the right answer, but it offers a hope.